Video - Demonstrationer - Verden
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Seneste oplagte video, er fra bund og op!!! Lad lige side loade færdig, da der er en del video der skal loades ind :-)
The Quickening
1 Time 16 Min 21 Sec - ENGELSK All around the planet hundreds of millions of people are waiting for events to unfold in the year 2012, that they... believe will bring either the birth of a harmonious new reality... or 'the end of the world.
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Occupy Wall Street
3 Min 32 Sec - ENGELSK There's a heavy police presence on patrol in New York - as the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement against bank greed enters its fourth week, and gets a deeper foothold across the U.S.
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World Revolution Not Seen on TV
7 Min 28 Sec - ENGELSK Worldwide rallies cry for peace and gather in solidarity. Western media ignores these peaceful gatherings and if they report, they focus on a few who act out (negatively).
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Michael Moore - Occupy Wall Street
10 Min 19 Sec - ENGELSK Michael Moore, filmmaker, activist and author of "Here Comes Trouble," calls on people all over the country to bring the Occupy Wall Street movement to their communities.
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Protest in Iceland, presidents wife joins the protesters
3 Min 41 Sec - ENGELSK Today the Icelandic parliement came to its winter season.
As ususal , first they walk over to the church and then back to the parliement building. Link: |
Thousands occupy Times Square, NY
28 Sec - ENGELSK Masserne Er New York, der vokser og vokser, det er en spændnede tid vi er i, må man sige, alt kan ske, lad det ske fredeligt.!!
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Spanish & Greeks unite in austerity rage
8 Min 25 Sec - ENGELSK It's a day of mass protests across the EU, as people rail against austerity, cuts and economic hardships - which they say are not their fault. Fresh demonstration are brewing across Greece
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War Veterans, Throw Their Medals at NATO Summit!
3 Min 3 Sec - ENGELSK May 20, 2012 CHICAGO (Reuters) - Nearly 50 U.S. military veterans at an anti-NATO rally in Chicago threw their service medals into the street on Sunday, an action they said symbolized their rejection of the U.S.-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
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Brussels, Belgium - Protest against EU
16 Min 14 Sec - ENGELSK A big demonstration with about 80.000 people. And after that an action with about 100 people against the Troika.
From the RT News: The 27 leaders of the European Union met Thursday to discuss an exit strategy from the financial crisis during the spring summit in Brussels. Thousands of trade unionists and political activists gathered in the city centre to demonstrate against the austerity measures that have been put into effect by the so-called Troika Link: |
Tens of thousands Jews protesting the State of Israel in NYC
12 Min 40 Sec - ENGELSK On June 9, 2013, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews assembled on the streets of New York City to protest against the existence of the State of Israel, and to condemn it's current evil decree to draft yeshiva students.
The mass demonstration took place in Federal Plaza Square in lower Manhattan where a huge platform had been set up for several hundred rabbis and leaders of communities Link: |
More than a million Brazilian protesters hit the streets
1 Min 53 Sec - ENGELSK Anger at government spending and widespread corruption in Brazil has boiled over into street battles between police and protesters. More than a million people have been demonstrating nationwide. Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff has cancelled an official trip to Japan and called for an emergency meeting. Al Jazeera's Adam Raney reports from Rio de Janeiro.
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